Prizes and fundraiser incentives don’t always have to be costly. Here’s a list of 35 free or almost free incentives to help you reach your fundraising goals.
Individual Incentives
1. Wear your favorite hat to school
2. Receive bonus points on the next test
3. Be recognized during announcements
4. Choose any class job for the week
5. Be the first in line at recess or at the end of school
6. Keep a favorite toy at your desk during classtime
7. Receive a free homework pass
8. Get extra time at the computer/in the computer room
9. Special hall pass to leave class early on a Friday
10. Choose what assignment class does for homework
11. Be a teacher’s helper for a day
12. Grab bags with goodies
School-wide or Class Incentives
1. Dunking contest for staff
2. Throw water balloons at your favorite teacher
3. Music/dance party in the class room
4. Free recess
5. Eat lunch outdoors as a class or school
6. Listen to music during recess or lunch
7. Pizza day
8. “Silly string” teachers at an assembly
9. Earn a trophy or plaque to hang in a classroom
10. Classroom can play a game of choice
11. Can wear pajamas to school
12. Extra art or gym time for class
13. Teachers have a dance off at school assembly
14. Chance to watch a movie during school
15. Bounce house during recess
Other Incentives
1. Teacher will shave their head if the group meets their goal
2. Principal bananna split sundae
3. Create some motivating competition between classes with a group reward for top selling class (music party, pizza party, etc.)
4. Limo ride for top sellers to go to a local game, dance or event
5. Laser tag party at a local gym
6. Dance party with DJ after school
7. iTunes gift cards
8. Amazon gift cards
Does your school hold a walk-a-thon or other “a-thon” fundraiser? We can help you raise a ton more while eliminating the work for you and yoru parents. Watch a quick video or email us at for a sample campaign and more information.