35+ Simple and Effective Fundraising Ideas for Kids

Explore this list of simple, effective fundraising ideas for kids that your program can use to raise money.

Kids’ programming can be expensive, and, unfortunately, often underfunded. Whether you’re working with a school, a local sports team, or a club, the expenses add up. Because these programs can lack funding, it often falls to program leaders like you to raise the extra money needed. At 99Pledges, we specialize in fundraising ideas for kids involved […]

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50+ Winning Sports Fundraising Ideas to Help You Raise More

The article’s title, “Winning Sports Fundraising Ideas to Help You Raise More,” next to a group of children playing soccer in a park.

Organizing and participating in athletics programs can be costly—whether you’re part of a school-wide sports team or a league run by a local community center. And while fundraising is necessary, it comes with its challenges. Parents may be bored of repetitive fundraising ideas, and the donors in your area might feel fatigued by constant appeals. […]

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20+ Football Fundraising Ideas to Score More Support

Discover how to raise money for your team with these top football fundraising ideas.

With travel and equipment costs popping up before, during, and after the football season, most football teams need to fundraise to cover their expenses. Fortunately, football teams can take advantage of unique sports fundraising ideas year-round, not just during the season. If you’re looking for new ways to raise funds while boosting team spirit and community support, […]

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