Goal: $7,500

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

North Clark Little League is excited for the 1st annual Hit-A-Thon fundraiser to be held on picture day April 29, 2017 and the championship round on closing ceremonies, June 10th. This year, proceeds will be used for field maintenance, new catcher's gear, and uniforms with a long term goal of scoreboards! The funds also help keep the entry fees low, so all the kids in our community can play baseball!

We are a league where player learning thrives and players feel good about themselves on and off the field. We believe that this is because of the incredible players in the program, the awesome coaching staff, and more importantly the incredible support of our community. We could not engage in the amazing learning opportunities without your monetary support. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.

Here's how it works:

Players will ask their family and friends to pledge either a flat amount (ex. $10 or $20) OR on a per foot basis. We will take the players longest hit out of 7 hits and multiply it by the amount of the pledge. (ft x pledge = donation) Example of a .20 cent/foot pledge (100 feet) x (20 cents) = $20.00 donation to the program. Younger little leaguers will usually hit from 50-100 ft. Older Little leaguers could hit from 100 ft to 200 ft. All homeruns on Baseball or Softball field will be counted as 215 ft.

The top two longest hitters off each team on picture day will advance to the championship round held at closing ceremonies and win prizes.

For every 25 dollars in pledges a player gets the player will receive a raffle ticket! The drawing will be held at closing ceremonies for the grand prizes.

Grand Prize #1

4 Tickets to the Mariners vs Yankees Saturday July 22nd at 6:10pm at Safeco Field

Grand Prize #2

A night at Great Wolf Lodge water park!

Grand Prize #3

A Grab Bag of "Dude Swag" from http://dudeswag.baseballdudes.com/

Thanks baseballdudes.com for the donation!

Team Prize

The team that raises the most money will win a pizza party at Rocky's Pizza in Battle Ground!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Low Registration Fees
  • Field Maintenance
  • Little League Charter
  • Coach and player training
  • Scoreboards
  • Catcher's Gear

All participants:

$11,706 raised
of $7,500 goal
Raised $682.20
Raised $378.80
Raised $368.50
Raised $350
Raised $350
Raised $345.80
Raised $313.90
Raised $275
Raised $235
Raised $220

Top Donations

Mark D Amoss
Frances J Alcorn

Lots of love and support, so them how to do it!
