Goal: $40,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

New Hope Courses for Homeschoolers is an innovative educational model that combines the best of home-based education with the best of traditional classroom learning. Since 1999, our small-group courses for middle and high school students have made homeschooling through the upper grades a viable and exciting alternative for families in the greater Boston area (we meet in Boxford, MA). By providing the academic support of expert instructors in small-group settings, New Hope partners with parents and students in creating a unique program for learning that encourages community building, mentoring, strong friendships, teamwork, and service. We now serve an average of 100 students each year, and we’ve impacted the lives of hundreds of students who now do exciting work all around the world!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Financial aid for New Hope students

Group Standings

Dollars for Scholars (Logemann)
Strength in Numbers (Westrate 2nd block)
Monday Fundays (Corbin)
Dollars for Scholars (Wassell)
Cattle of the Sun (Boisvert)

Top Donations

Michael and Renée Minogue

Remember to thank God for all the good things in your life like New Hope and continue to work hard.

Sandra Griffin
Elliott and Paula Breuer