T-Ball's Goal: $1,000
(Estimate based on completing 20 hits)

Help spread the word

T-Ball Dowdle

Dear Friends and Family,

I am pulling out my bat for the 2nd Annual FCAA Hit-A-Thon. This event raises money for the ball park that I play at to improve the facility including items such as seating shade and field improvements.

I would appreciate your support if you could help support me.

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

FCAA is a Non-Profit organization and with an incredible recreational baseball and softball programs for children ages 4 to 18. Our philosophy is to offer a Recreational ball program that is FUN; AND fun is what it’s all about for everyone.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Adding shade screens to fields 1, 4, 6

All participants:

$13,848 raised
of $20,000 goal
Raised $1,610
Raised $1,249.50
Raised $1,095
Raised $765
Raised $673
Raised $540
Raised $495
Raised $485
Raised $485

Top Donations

Tracy Carter

Sawyer Cook

Mildred Dowdle

Cooper Dowdle

Brent Dowdle

Cooper Dowdle

Whitney Croxton

To my favorite player - Garrett!

Laura Ferrell
