Jeronimo's Goal: $100

Help spread the word

Jeronimo Bazua Kelley

Dear Friends and Family,

During the Cragmont Read-a-Thon I will read or be read to for up to 4 hours.

Please make a per half hour pledge of $1, $5, $10, $20 or another amount to support reading programs at my school. (Minimum pledge: $1/half hour) You can also choose to donate a flat amount.

Thank you for your donation!

About this fundraiser:

The tenth annual Cragmont Read-a-Thon will be held the week of October 22nd - 26th. Each classroom will devote part of the school day to the Read-a-Thon, with students reading on their own or being read to.

The Read-a-Thon doesn’t just encourage a love of books. It’s also an important fundraiser that helps support literacy programs at Cragmont, like providing leveled books in English and Spanish for classroom libraries, lunchtime student book clubs and family literacy nights.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Lunchtime student book clubs
  • Books for classroom libraries
  • Family literacy nights

All participants:

$8,946 raised
of $10,000 goal
Raised $525
Raised $515
Raised $475
Raised $300
Raised $300
Raised $230
Raised $230

Top Donations

miriam rosa morales sanhueza

Para un un buen lector, que seguirá leyendo

Luis Javier Hernandez

Vendo Chivos!

Rafael Maldonado
Lety y Talia

Dale con todo Jeronimo!!

carlos m bazua m

Lo dijo Tochihuitzin, lo dijo Coyouhxuqui, vinimos a la tierra a dormir y soñar.Avolar como colibrí