Travis' Goal: $50
(Estimate based on completing 2 laps)

Help spread the word

Travis Pugh

Dear Family and Friends,

I am lacing up my sneakers on September 12th to run/walk my best at the Johnson Elementary School PTA "Fun Run/Walk". This event raises money for me and my classmates to purchase new playground equipment and accessories. Our current equipment is old and outdated. The Intensity Fitness Play Complex will help get us get moving, spinning, climbing and jumping.

I would appreciate it (and so would my 600+ schoolmates) if you could help support me.

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

Dear Family & Friends:

We are raising money to create a healthy and active environment for our school. Our kids just aren't moving as much anymore - in less than two generations physical activity has dropped by 32% - so we need your help! Our students will be participating in a "Fun Run/Walk" event during school on September 12, 2014.

Your support will help purchase new playground equipment and accessories. Our current equipment is old and outdated. The Intensity Fitness Play Complex will help get our kids get moving, spinning, climbing and jumping. They'll be so engrossed in their play that they won't even realize they're exercising and doing something good for their young bodies. We need to take action and change the future for our children.

Please sponsor our students today!

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Playground (Intensity Fitness Play Complex) & Accessories

All participants:

$145 raised
of $30,000 goal

Top Donations

Erika Leigh Jennings

Good Luck!