Max's Goal: $400
(Estimate based on completing 100 throws)

Help spread the word

Max Schug

Dear Friends and Family,

I am lacing up my wrestling shoes next month and throwing my best at the Goldmine wrestling club Throw-A-Thon. This event raises money for our club to purchase additional SUPLES Speed Dummies for wrestling practices. The speed dummies help us build the skills we need to excel as wrestlers.

I would appreciate it (and so would my teammates) if you could help support me.

Thanks in advance for your support!

About this fundraiser:

Goldmine Wrestling is a club where learning thrives and wrestlers feel good about the place they call their home. We believe that this is because of the incredible kids that attend our club, the awesome coaches who believe that positive relationships with our wrestlers are key to optimal learning and more importantly the incredible support of our families. We could not engage in the wonderful wrestling opportunities and the fun things we do here without your monetary support. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Purchasing SUPLES Speed Dummies

All participants:

$3,780 raised
of $5,000 goal
Raised $800
Raised $595
Raised $390
Raised $345
Raised $320
Raised $255
Raised $225
Raised $200
Raised $195
Raised $185

Top Donations

Nicole Schug

Way to go buddy!