Colin's Goal: $100
(Estimate based on completing 159 minutes)

Help spread the word

Colin Sieber
Kindergarten - Ms. Hoskinson

Dear Friends and Family,

I have a stack of books and am ready to read during the 2017 Sandburg Elementary Adventure Awaits! Read-a-Thon. This event raises money for me and my school to continue to be enriched with Science, Art, Music and PE and helps my school by providing funds for staffing not otherwise provided by our school district. Sandburg is a great school with amazing teachers and your support will help keep our school strong. Every bit helps!

I would appreciate it (and so would my 500+ schoolmates) if you could help support me.

Thank you in advance!

About this fundraiser:

Carl Sandburg Elementary is fondly called “my school” by about 500 Kindergarten through 5th Grade students, their parents, and about 60 staff. Our school neighborhood prides itself on providing a safe, nurturing environment for children to learn since opening its doors in 1966.

During our Adventure Awaits! Read-A-Thon, our goal is to raise $50,000 for Sandburg AND have every Sandburg student participate whether they raise money or not. Our mission is to create a fun school-wide community event that celebrates reading while empowering students to participate in raising funds for Sandburg. All money raised will go directly to helping support staffing costs, specials, supplies, and other needs not
funded by the district. Although we want to raise money for the school, our primary focus will be encouraging participation and
excitement about reading.

Encourage your student's next reading adventure by making a pledge to their Read-A-Thon today. Your donation will help the Sandburg PTO continue to provide additional financial resources and enhancements to our beloved school. No matter the amount you can spare, it all adds up to make a direct impact on our children’s education. Thank you for your support!

-Carl Sandburg Elementary PTO

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Additional staff support and other critical needs
  • Every special (Art, Music, PE, Science) and the library
  • Enrichment opportunities for both students and teachers
  • Financial support for teachers to support classroom needs

All participants:

Top Donations

Athena N Long

From Uncle Pat, Aunt Athena and BabyQuinn! We love you! Keep reading!

Rebecca Theis

Way to go, Colin! Reading opens a world of infinite opportunities.

Janelle A. Sieber

Keep reading little man!

James Bisetti

Good job Mr Man

Janna Sieber

We are proud of your reading!