Caleb's Goal: $60
(Estimate based on completing 200 feet)

Help spread the word

Caleb Huss
AA - Angels

Dear Family and Friends,

I'm participating in my team's Hit-A-Thon. This year instead of selling candy and getting only a portion of the proceeds, we are having a Hit-A-Thon. A Hit-A-Thon allows for us to get 90% of the proceeds we raise online. Funds raised for our league will help cover costs for field improvements, equipment and also helps to keep registration costs down.

Our event will take place on Sunday April 17th. I will be getting a certain amount of pitches and I'm asking for sponsors to help me raise funds for our team/league. You can either place a flat donation or a pledge a donation per foot. The ball that I hit the farthest will be counted. The team that raises the most money will get a team prize and individual prizes will be awarded also. Will you please help me to reach my fundraising goal by making a donation for my team?

Thank you in advance for your support! It's truly appreciated.

About this fundraiser:

Thank you for donating to our East Fullerton Little League baseball team. This year we are celebrating our 60th Anniversary! We are a team where player learning thrives and players feel good about themselves on and off the field. We believe that this is because of the incredible players in our program, the awesome coaching staff, and more importantly the incredible support of our community.

Fundraising gives us the flexibility to raise additional money for improvements that we want to make in our program. East Fullerton Little League is all run by volunteers which enables us to put all of the money we get towards improving the fields, replacing equipment, player and coach development, baseballs, and other supplies needed for a fun baseball season. We are also proud to say that fundraising helps to keep our registration fees low, which makes baseball affordable for families in our community. By participating in league fundraisers, you're making a positive contribution to the quality of our baseball program.

We could not engage in the amazing learning opportunities without your support. Please know that no amount is too small. Your ongoing backing and support are both truly appreciated. Thank you!

All participants:

$37,676 raised
of $30,000 goal
Raised $10,250
Raised $1,200
Raised $1,200
Raised $1,117
Raised $1,005
Raised $650
Raised $575
Raised $550
Raised $550
Raised $490

Top Donations

Harper Equipment Rental

Go get'em slugger

Debra L Bonal

Love you, Grandma and Uncle Dan

Melinda Liday

Have fun! Love Grandma

Joshua Sola

Hit it out of the park! Love, Uncle Josh and Auntie Stephie

Julie Saunders

Love, Uncle Sean, Aunt Julie, Whitley and Zoie