Starlah's Goal: $500
(Estimate based on completing 20 half hours)

Help spread the word

Starlah White
Team Admirals

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for visiting my page. I am participating in my Band-a-Thon to raise money for travel expenses to Walt Disney World

I'm excited because I'm going to practice really hard over the next 4 weeks, and I'm asking for sponsors to help me reach my fundraising goal. Will you help by making a pledge per half hour that I practice (20 max) or by making a simple flat donation?

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

About this fundraiser:

Our Band Program is dedicated to giving students the opportunity to grow musically, socially, and academically. Through musical performance, students learn how to perform and appreciate music of a variety of styles and levels of difficulty. Through group involvement, students learn how to work together to achieve common goals and achievements that are more personal and develop self-discipline. Through the study of harmony, scales, rhythms, etc., students develop skills that will allow them to truly understand and appreciate the foundation of music as well as the aesthetics.

In 2017, the bands will be traveling to Walt Disney World to play in Festival Disney. This prestigious opportunity brings bands from all over the world. The students at Henry Hudson Regional School have been working very hard to prepare an excellent concert for competition and need your help to accomplish their goals.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Travel to Walt Disney World

All participants:

$2,790 raised
of $10,000 goal
Raised $225
Raised $200
Raised $200
Raised $175
Raised $155
Raised $150
Raised $125
Raised $100
Raised $100
Raised $100
Not in the list? Add participant.

Top Donations

Cynthia Hennessey

Have a Great Time! 😊