Felix's Goal: $75
(Estimate based on completing 7 hits)

Help spread the word

Felix Smith
Single A – Miami Marlins

Dear Family and Friends,

I am stepping up to the plate this season and will be participating in our Annual Hit-A-Thon fundraiser for Santa Rosa American Little League. The money raised by this event will be used to help cover our cost for our beautiful new snack bar and continue to make improvements to our facility!

Here's how it works:

I will get 10 swings to hit as many fair balls as I can, with the distance of each hit adding to my total distance. If I have the greatest total distance on my team, then I get to represent my team for my age group and participate in a super fun event called our "Hit-Off" which is being held on Friday, May 10th! This will be a fun evening you won't want to miss!

If you would like to help me reach my fundraising goal, just click the big blue donate button on the right. You can pledge a flat donation or challenge me by donating a dollar amount per hit.

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

Your Little Leaguer

About this fundraiser:

We are pleased to announce that our Annual Santa Rosa American Little League Hit-A-Thon is here! This is a really fun and worthwhile fundraising event. This year our kids are "Raising their Bats" to help raise funds that will help cover the cost of our beautiful new snack bar and make more improvements to our facility!

Each participating player will get 10 swings to hit as many fair balls as he/she can. Sponsors may pledge a flat donation such as $5, $10, $20, etc. or sponsors may challenge a player and pledge a certain amount per hit such as $2, $5, $10, etc. Please know that no amount is too small or too large.

Thank you for your continued support!

SRALL is a non-profit organization (Tax ID: 94-6109110)

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Snack Bar Remodel!
  • Complex Improvements!

All participants:

$23,689 raised
of $20,000 goal
Raised $1,675
Raised $1,530
Raised $708
Raised $600
Raised $310
Raised $300
Raised $276
Raised $270
Raised $270
Raised $270

Top Donations

Kayla White

Good Job Felix

Katrina White

Love mom and dad!!

Robin White

Love grandma Robin

Kim White

Go get 'em slugger!

Heather clem

Good job buddy