Jake's Goal: $1,000
(Estimate based on completing 79 shots)

Help spread the word

Jake Conger
Men's Basketball

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for visiting my page. I am participating in my team's shoot-a-thon to raise money for summer basketball training, new gear, training equipment, and team building events during the season.

We will be shooting 100 Free Throws - I'm asking for sponsors to help me reach my fundraising goal. Will you help by making a pledge per shot or by making a simple flat donation?

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement!

About this fundraiser:

Friends of the program,

We are working hard to provide the kids at Wright a great athletic experience. This fundraiser will help us to continue to develop our basketball program both in skills and positive energy.

Credit and Debit cards can be taken from this site. Cash and Checks must be submitted to Jeannie Crowder in the front office along with the student you are supporting. Your ongoing backing and support of our players is truly appreciated.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • Summer Basketball Camp (PGC)
  • New Men's Apparel (Uniforms, Warm-ups, etc)
  • Basketball Equipment (Balls, Training Aids, etc)
  • Team Building Events (Retreats, Dinners, etc)

All participants:

$16,185 raised
of $10,000 goal
Raised $983
Raised $818
Raised $806.25
Raised $701
Raised $675
Raised $613
Raised $525.50
Raised $500
Raised $451
Raised $450

Top Donations

William Hill
Jeff Hill

Good luck!

Chris Keller

Good Luck!

Susan Hesse

Make me spend some money

Michael W Albright

Good luck!!